Atrás do Atlas
The Atlas is the last vertebra of the spine, which supports the head.
In Greek mythology Atlas is a titan condemned to hold the celestial realm for all eternity.
The Atlas mountains of north-west Africa represent the point of the earth that supports the celestial world, a dimension between the terrain and the cosmos.
Atrás do Atlas is an invitation to go beyond the known world, to explore what lies behind our
"self imposed mountains".
Once we have climbed to the top of a mountain, we observe our position with a wider perspective.
"We travelled at the limits of imaginary and territorial borders.
In five days we crossed the Atlas chain, sorrounded by the mineral wisdom of the mountains.
We continued towards the algerian border and from there got on the Paris - Dakar route.
At the gates of the desert we reached Tamegroute, the heart of Nasiriyya, one of the widest Sufi orders, where we had access to the most ancient texts of astrology.
In the desert, borders are imaginary, intangible.
Crystalline air makes the stars appear closer.
The Earth meets the Sky in an endless dance of the wind.
A fine line separates the visible from the invisible."